Volgens de Europese en Nederlandse wetgeving mogen wij geen medische claims maken over voeding en voedingssupplementen, ongeacht of er wetenschappelijk bewijs voor is. Dit betekent dat we geen specifieke gezondheidsvoordelen van Leuzea wortel mogen noemen, tenzij deze zijn goedgekeurd door de EFSA (European Food Safety Authority). Voor kruiden en botanicals zijn de meeste claims momenteel 'on hold', wat betekent dat ze nog niet volledig zijn goedgekeurd.
Hoewel wij dus geen medische uitspraken mogen doen, zijn er wel verschillende wetenschappelijke studies beschikbaar over Leuzea. Om onze klanten te helpen beter inzicht te krijgen in de mogelijke voordelen, bieden wij een overzicht van deze onderzoeken aan. We raden aan om deze zelf door te lezen om meer te begrijpen over de eigenschappen van Leuzea.
1. Kokoska L, Janovska D. Chemistry and pharmacology of Rhaponticum carthamoides:
a review. Phytochemistry 2009;70(7):842-55.
2. Gadzhieva RM; Portugalov SN; Paniushkin VV; Kondrat'eva II A comparative study of
the anabolic action of ecdysten, leveton and Prime Plus, preparations of plant origin.
Exerimental and Clinical Pharmacology, 58(5):46-8 1995 Sep-Oct.
3. Azizov AP. Et al. (1998) The effect of the antioxidants elton and leveton on the physical
work capacity of athletes. Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology 61(1):60-2.
4. Dushkin M., et al. BMC Complment Altern Med. 2014 Jan 20;14:33. Hasper I., et al.
Menopause. 2009 Jan-Feb;16(1):117-31 Kokoska L. and Janovska D. Chemistry and
pharmacology of Rhaponticum carthamoides: a review.
Phytochemistry. 2009 May;70(7):842-55.
5. Ipatov A.N. Use of decoction with Leuzea carthamoides rhizomes for depressive
alcoholism. Zhurnal nevropatologii i psikhiiatrii im. S.S. Korsakova, 1995; 4 78-79.
6. Mosharrof. A.H. Effect of extract from Rhaponticum Carhamoides (Willd.) Iljin (Leuzea)
on learning and memory in rats. Acta Physiologia et Pharmalogia Bulgarica, 1987;
3: 37-42
7. Bespalov V.G, Alexandrov V.A., Eremenko K.V., Davydov V.V., Lazareva N.L.,
Limarenko A.Yu., Slepyan L.I., Petrov A.S., Troyan D.N. Prohibiting effect of
phytoadaptogenic preparations from bioginseng, Eleuterococcus senticosus and Leuzea
carthamoides on the nervous system tumor of rats, induced with N nitrosoethylene urea.
Voprosy onkologii, 1992; 9: 1073-1080.
8. Bocharova O.A. Adaptogens as preventive oncology drugs. Vestnik Rossiyskoy akademii
meditsinskikh nauk, 1999; 5: 49-53.
9. Azizov AP. Seifulla RD. (1998) The effect of elton, leveton, fitoton and adapton on the
work capacity of experimental animals. Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology.
10. Azizov AP (1997). Effects of eleutherococcus, elton, leuzea, and leveton on the blood
coagulation system during training in athletes. Exp. & Clinical Pharmac. 60(5):58-60,
11. Azizov AP. Seifulla RD. Chubarova AV (1997). Effects of leuzea tincture and leveton
on humoral immunity of athletes. Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology. 60(6): 47-8.
12. Baltayev UA, et al. (1997) (1997) 24(24(1))[Z]-dehydroamarasterone B, a phytoecdy-
steroid from seeds of Leuzea carthamoides. Phytochemistry, 46(1): 103-5
13. Brekhman, I., et. al. (1969) New substances of plant origin, which increase
non-specific resistance. Ann.Rev.Pharmacol, 9: 419-430, 1969.
14. Chermnykh, N.S., et.al. The action of methandrostenolone and ecdysterone on the
physical endurance of animals and on protein metabolism in the skelatal muscles.
Farmakol. Tok. (USSR), 51(6): 57-601988.
15. Kosar K, et al. (1997) Embryotoxicity of 20-hydroxyecdysone and polypodine B
from Leuzea carthamoides DC. Pharmazie, 52(5):406-7 1997,
16. Kurmukov AG, Ermishina OA, (1991) The effect of ecdysterone on experimental
arrhythmias and changes in the hemodynamics and myocardial contractility induced
by coronary artery occlusion, Farmakol. Toksikol., 54(1), p 27-9.
17. Kuz'mitskii BB. Et al. (1990) New possibilities in searching for immunomodulators
among compounds with a steroid structure. Farmakologiia i Toksikologiia. 53(3):20-2,
1990 May-Jun.
18. Kuz'menko AI. et al. (1999). Antioxidant effect of 20-hydroxyecdysone in a model
system. Ukrainskii Biokhimicheskii Zhurnal. 71(3):35-8,
19. Mosharrof AH. (1987) Effects of extract from Rhapontcum carthamoides (Willd) Iljin
(Leuzea) on learning and memory in rats [published erratum appears in Acta Physiol.
Pharmacol. Bulg 13(4):70]. Acta Physiol. et Pharmacol. Bulgarica. 13(3): 37-42.
20. Opletal L. et al. (1997) Phytotherapeutic aspects of diseases of the circulatory system.
Leuzea carthamoides (WILLD.) DC: the status of research and possible use of the taxon.
Ceska a Slovenska Farmacie. 46(6): 247-55.
21. Osinskaia LF, Saad LM, Kholodova, YD (1992) Antiradical properties and antioxidant
activity of ecdysterone, Ukr. Biokhim. Zh., 64(1), 114-7.
22. Petrov V et al. (1984) Pharmacological investigation of Rhaponticum carthamoides.
Planta Medica, 205-209.
23. Seifulla RD (1999). Sport Pharmacology, Sport-Farma Press, Moscow 120p
24.Slama K. Koudela K. Tenora J. Mathova A. (1996) Insect hormones in vertebrates:
anabolic effects of 20-hydroxyecdysone in Japanese quail. Experientia. 52(7):702-6.
25. Syrov, VN (1984) Mechanisms of the anabolic action of phytoecdysteroids in mammals.
Biol. Nauki. (USSR), 11:16-20
26. Syrov VN (1984) Mechanism of the anabolic action of phytoecdysteroids in mammals,
Biol. Nauki., 11, p 16-20
27. Syrov VN. Kurmukov AG. (1976) Anabolic activity of phytoecdysone-ecdysterone
isolated from Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd.) Iljin. Pharmacology and Toxicology.
39(6): 690-3,